How to use the petite yoga bolster RAUHA?

Yoga bolsters are essential accessories for yogis as they offer comfort and support during practice. Typically, yoga bolsters are approximately 25 cm in diameter, providing stability and cushioning. However, we are excited to introduce our petite yoga bolster RAUHA, which has a diameter of only 16 cm. In this blog post, we will explore the versatility of this compact yoga prop and show how it can enhance your yoga practice. Check the pictures below!

Perfect Support for Your Knees:

For some individuals, sitting on their knees can be uncomfortable or even impossible due to joint issues or flexibility limitations. In such cases, the Rauha bolster offers a practical solution. Its compact size makes it easy to place under your knees during practice, which can help relieve pressure and make it easier to maintain poses like Child's Pose or Hero Pose. This difference becomes especially apparent during longer sessions or classes where knee discomfort can hinder the experience. Additionally, you can use the bolster to support your knees in cat-cow poses, dragon pose, or any other pose where you would normally have to fold the yoga mat under your knee, but where traditional yoga bolster would be too thick and change the asana too much.

Neck support in Savasana:

When it comes to relaxation, nothing beats the Rauha. It's especially useful during Savasana (Corpse Pose) when placed under the neck. Not only does it cradle the head, but it also gently extends the neck to promote better alignment and deeper relaxation. The Rauha has a slender profile that allows for a more natural curve of the spine, making it ideal for individuals with neck issues or discomfort during traditional Savasana.

Enhancing Forward Folds:

Many yogis, especially beginners, find forward folding poses difficult to perform. However, using the Rauha bolster can make a significant difference in your practice. By placing the bolster under your knees while bending forward in poses like Paschimottanasana, you get extra support which encourages proper alignment. This additional support can help you deepen your stretches with greater confidence.

Here are some additional yoga asanas where the Rauha bolster can be used:

Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): Use Rauha under the hip or thigh to deepen the stretch and support your hip flexibility.

Supported Fish Pose (Matsyasana): Ease into this heart-opening pose with comfort.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana): Achieve a deeper stretch in this rejuvenating pose.

Supported Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana): Elevate your inversion practice with added stability.

In Conclusion:

The Rauha narrow yoga bolster is a prop that can enhance your yoga practice by adding comfort and versatility. Regardless of whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, this compact companion can help you achieve better alignment and ease in various poses. See the pictures below for more ideas.


The Transformative Power of Props in Iyengar Yoga.


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